How To Measure A Room
Learn how to measure a room with just yourself and a tape measure in less than 3 steps.
Step 1: Figure out the square footage.
Step 1: Figure out the square footage of each room in which you want to install laminate-wood floors. To do so, use a tape measure to determine the room’s length and width. Then multiply the length by the width to get your square footage. For instance, if the room is 12 feet wide and 12 feet long, you will need enough flooring for 144 square feet (12×12=144).
Step 2: Add 10% for waste
Step 2: Add 10% to the square footage to accommodate cuts and waste. (If you’re choosing a tile pattern, add 20%). This is important because the cuts in the flooring need to be staggered. And you’ll want pieces left over just in case you need to mend or replace a board. So that’s 144 feet plus 10%, or 14 feet, for 158 square feet
Step 3: Check with a retailer.
Step 3: Check with a retailer to get your order just right. Your measurements will certainly give you a good ballpark estimate when you multiply your square-foot needs by the retailer’s price per square foot, though little things can make a difference in the actual calculation. For instance, for installation in rooms larger than 40 feet long or 25 feet wide, a transition piece will be required.
Step 4: Relax.
Step 4. Put the kettle on, kick your feet up and admire your new flooring.